As our lives continue to be bombarded with news about the coronavirus, causing confusion and even panic, it's nice to hear about some positivity stemming from the outbreak.

Here in Toronto, residents are being encouraged to social distance amidst the coronavirus pandemic and major events are being cancelled and attractions are closing until further notice. In response, two men shared how they're going the extra mile to help those living in their condo building impacted by the virus.


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  • On Friday, Jake Tobin tweeted a photo of a note he posted inside his condo that offers to help those living in the building during the virus outbreak.

    "If you or someone you know in the building is at an increased risk, feels uncomfortable, or is unable to get groceries, run errands, pick up medication, etc., we're happy to help!" reads the note.

    The note included the contact information for the two men, along with space for other residents to write their contact info if they want to help as well.

    "Social distancing doesn't mean we can't stick together," reads the note.

    "If u live in a building w/ a lot of older or potentially at-risk residents, consider posting signs in common areas (laundry room, mailroom, etc.) offering ur contacts to make grocery trips or run errands on their behalf if you're healthy enough to do so," tweeted Kurt Mungal, the other helpful resident.

    As things continue to escalate, this is a good reminder that not only are we all in this together, but we should also strive to help those who need it most during these trying times.

    Just be careful to make sure that if you're helping, you're also following the suggested from guidelines from Canada Public Health.

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