Real Estate

CMHC down payment review

CMHC to Target Down Payment Requirements for Real Estate Investors

The CMHC is set to review whether current down payment requirements for real estate investors should be toughened up to reduce speculation.

Real Estate

Non-Essential Construction Not Permitted Amid Extended Stay-at-Home Order

The temporary closure of all non-essential construction will continue under the Ford government's extended stay-at-home order.


Ford Government Re-Instates Temporary Ban of Residential Evictions

Wednesday's stay-at-home order announcement marks the third time the province has paused residential evictions since COVID reached Ontario.


One COVID-Year Later: Everything That's Happened in Downtown Real Estate

If you're keen on reminiscing on how the downtown core has experienced one year of COVID, join us as we walk down memory lane.

Real Estate

One COVID-Year Later: Everything That’s Happened in the Suburbs

With COVID-19 as a catalyst, Toronto’s suburbs are on fire on the real estate front, as they continue to smash records at jaw-dropping rates.
