Welcome to Meet the Agent, an ongoing series profiling real estate agents from across Canada. With more than 150,000 agents, brokers, and salespeople working in 75 different boards and associations across the country, we thought it was about time they had a place to properly introduce themselves.

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Name: Jack Janssen
Brokerage: Chestnut Park Real Estate Ltd. Brokerage
Personal Channels: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter
Years of Experience: 30
Areas of focus: Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Georgian Bay


Where did you grow up?

Gravenhurst, Muskoka

What neighbourhood do you live in now?

On Lake Rosseau, near Port Sandfield.

What made you want to become a real estate agent?

I was looking to buy property in Muskoka and realized I already knew a great deal about the area, the bylaws, and the industry. It made me want to use this knowledge, and learn further, to assist others in their transactions.

What’s the biggest challenge you see facing the market today?

The COVID market made selling real estate look like a quick and easy way to make money; it enticed a lot of people to obtain a real estate license. If done correctly, to protect the client, selling real estate is not easy. Unfortunately for the consumer, it can be difficult to find the right agent.

What’s the single best advice you have for sellers?

Price your property right the first time. Overpriced listings sit stagnant on the market. Sellers often end up losing money by not listening to their agent’s advice on current market value.

What’s the single best advice you have for buyers?

If you are buying waterfront in Muskoka, or elsewhere in cottage county, the single best advice is: view property by car to experience the drive in, and view it from the water. If you are buying property in a city, you drive around the neighbourhood to get a feel for it. The same rings true for waterfront. It’s important to view the lakefront community, including neighbouring properties, access to amenities by boat, water depths, and privacy (or lack of). As an experienced boater, I tour my buyers by boat, to fully experience the lakes and educate them about the area.

What’s the best thing a realtor can invest in for their brand (a bus bench ad, a solid Instagram strategy, etc.)?

5-star Google reviews.

Who do you look up to in the industry and why?

Catherine Deluce, who started Chestnut Park Real Estate Ltd. An honest, amazing lady with a sharp mind for business. Retired now, Catherine continues to be an inspiration, given her professionalism and integrity.

Is there anything you wish people knew or understood about realtors that you think they’re constantly getting wrong?

There is a huge benefit to working with a local agent who specializes in a specific area and product. A realtor who is experienced in selling condos in the city is the best agent to work with condo sales. A local cottage country realtor, experienced in waterfront, is the best agent to represent the sale of a cottage.

Tell us about your favourite (or most memorable) sale.

After 30 years I can’t narrow it down to one. I love complicated and challenging transactions involving estate sales with several family members, and complicated properties. I love digging and solving problems, to make sure a closing happens when and as it should!

What are the three words you hope your clients use to describe you?

Approachable. Trustworthy. Competent.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of selling houses?

Travel the world. My clients tell me they love our Evolving Bucket List travel website.

This interview may have been edited for both length and clarity. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of STOREYS.

Meet The Agent