Contributing Writer

Development Projects

10 Exciting GTA Developments Set To Complete In 2025

CIBC Square II and Limberlost Place are amongst the striking GTA development projects that are set to be completed this year.


TRESA Is Changing Ontario's Real Estate Game, One Rule At A Time

​TRESA began its initial roll-out in 2020, replacing the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act.


STOREYS' Trend Of The Year: The Pivot To Purpose-Built Rentals

Over the last twelve months, many industry professionals have shifted their focus from the embattled condo market to creating more purpose-built rentals.


We Already Know Ontario Will Likely Miss Its 2031 Housing Goal. So Now What?

Unless things change drastically, Ontario's housing target of building at least 1.5 million new homes by 2031 simply won’t happen.

Development Projects

New Student Competition Offering $100K To Design 624-Acre Greenbelt Property

Canadian real estate company Longridge Partners is turning to the next generation for insight as it offers up $100,000 in prize money for students who put together the winning plans for its 624-acre greenbelt property.

Urban Living

New Play 'The Bidding War' Parodies Toronto's Real Estate Market

Crow’s Theatre presents “The Bidding War” tomorrow through December 15. And yes, it's a dark comedy.

Development Projects

“A Place Of Its Place”: Beltline Yards Development Is Equal Parts Ambitious And Transformative

​The beloved Beltline trail is the "spine of the development" and could connect the city like never before. “We’re really trying to bend the right rules in terms of how we masterplan, taking cues from other countries and creating a real destination and neighbourhood, even for tourists and architecture nerds.”


Toronto's Busiest Streets Could See More Mid-Rise Buildings

Toronto could soon choose to introduce as-of-right zoning for mid-rise buildings on all official avenues.