Those who are looking to cap off their May Two-Four long weekend with a bang should head to Ashbridges Bay Park this Victoria Day, where the City of Toronto’s annual fireworks display promises to light up the night sky. The show will kick off at 10 p.m. on Monday, May 22, 2023, and will end with a “spectacular finale,” according to information from the City.

Ashbridges Bay Park is located on Lake Shore Boulevard East at the foot of Coxwell Avenue, and attendees are encouraged to use public transit to get to the park. Information about TTC schedules, routes, and expanded long weekend service is available on the TTC website.

And if you can’t make it out to the Toronto waterfront on Monday night, or are interested in venturing out of the city, Canada’s Wonderland will be putting on a fireworks show on Sunday, May 21, after the park closes at 10 p.m.

Victoria Day is also one of two occasions on which fireworks are allowed on private property without a permit. However, for any residents wishing to put on a fireworks display of their own, there are a few important rules to note.

According to the City of Toronto's Fireworks Bylaw, fireworks are only permitted on private property until 11 p.m. They are not permitted in City parks or on beaches, balconies, streets, parking lots, or a property that is not owned by the person setting off the fireworks. In addition, an adult 18 years of age or older should be present to supervise or set off the fireworks.

It also goes without saying that fireworks should not be set off anywhere where there is a risk of fire, injury, or damage to any person or property. The misuse or illegal sale of fireworks can be reported to 311 by phone or by submitting a service request.

More information on fireworks rules, safety tips, and proper disposal is available on the City’s website.

Curious about what will be opened and closed this Victoria Day? We’ve got you covered.
