Real Insights by The Kinsman Report

The Kinsman Report

Sales Proptech Sharing Insightful Presale Data


Areas of Expertise

  • Presale
  • Data Analysis
  • Proptech
AVESDO harnesses data’s power to help new home real estate professionals make better, faster, more informed decisions. Authored by advisors from its consulting division, The Kinsman Report is a regular STOREYS column covering key insights, essential data, cultural trends, and more within the new home sales industry.
The Kinsman Report

Are Presales Dead? An Insider Answers (And Explores) The Question

I’m seeing a lot of online chatter about this question. Are presales dead? Is the investor gone? Will high density presales ever be the same again? Let’s jump into it.

The Kinsman Report

Expert Reflection: Hot Takes (And Hot Tips) On The 2024 Federal Budget

​"In this month's article, we’ll be presenting a series of ‘Hot Takes,' as they pertain to the 2024 Federal Budget. And — I think we’re all getting tired of incessant negative opposition without any positive suggestions, so — we’ll balance our ‘takes’ with some useful ‘tips,’ as well."

The Kinsman Report

Insider: Rate Cuts A Must For Housing Supply (And They Can’t Come Soon Enough)

The data shows it is completely plausible — and possible — to serve tens of thousands of new housing units into the market in the coming months, just by lowering rates.

The Kinsman Report

Presale Update: Forward Motion Despite January’s Slow Sales Start

While 2024 was off to a slow start for new home sales, experts remain confident in a market return later this year.

The Kinsman Report

Expert: Market Demand Is ‘Strong, Stable, But Shifting Locations’

"Purchasers are using every penny they have saved. Developers are struggling to make projects work. And this data nerd expects we won’t see much relief ‘til sometime mid next year."

The Kinsman Report

Expert: New Condos Are The Housing Type Canada Needs Right Now

"Although condo development is not perfect, it may be the best form of housing development we have at our disposal."

The Kinsman Report

Dueling Interests: How Inflation Remedies Are Hurting Housing Starts

"New home builders are the only ones who can quickly and effectively solve this housing supply problem ... they are ready."

The Kinsman Report

Strong Early Indicators Point to Market Rebound in 2023

There's not enough data to claim anything definitive about the Canadian new home market – but there are strong indicators worth mentioning. 

The Kinsman Report

Down But Not Out: New Home Sales Industry Proves It Can Balance Supply and Demand

"We are confident the new home market has started to rally — and we will see sales and inventory increase through the spring market."

The Kinsman Report

The Future Is Now: How ChatGPT Could Impact New Home Sales 

The real estate industry has typically been slow to adopt new technologies, but there's buzz building around ChatGPT and new home sales.