Under Construction


Areas of Expertise

    Under Construction

    All Eyes Are On Ford To Fix How We Approve New Housing

    In the midst of a housing crisis, the labyrinth of approvals and permits that builders have to navigate is perplexing, says RESCON President Richard Lyall.

    Under Construction

    Our Next Political Leaders Must "Take A Serious Swing At The Housing Crisis"

    ​With both provincial and federal elections looming, we can't lose sight of the fact we need to pick political leaders that are going to embrace bold new ideas and tackle the housing crunch.

    Under Construction

    "Out Of Control": Ontario Needs Immediate Reform Of Taxation And Fee Structures

    Poilievre has vowed to eliminate the federal sales tax on new homes sold for under $1 million and Crombie has pledged that she would do away with the provincial land transfer tax for first-time homebuyers. We now need the Conservatives to step up to the plate and do the same.

    Under Construction

    Municipalities Cannot Impose Their Own Building Standards

    RESCON is seeking an order that would enforce the Ontario Building Code Act and prohibit Toronto from imposing building regulations on planning applications as they are beyond the legal authority of the city.

    Under Construction

    It's Time For Ontario To Get On The Offsite Construction Bandwagon

    With 5.8 million new homes needed in Canada by 2031, and the homebuilding sector increasingly under the gun to produce more units, it is time to look towards offsite construction, argues RESCON President Richard Lyall.

    Under Construction

    "A Recipe For Disaster":  Bureaucracy, Taxes Continue To Add To Housing Crisis

    While there has been a cultural shift and recognition by all levels of government that the problem is very real, taxes, fees, and levies have pushed the cost of housing to astronomical heights.

    Under Construction

    Taxes, Fees, And Levies Keep The Cost Of Homebuilding From Adding Up

    Richard Lyall, president of the Residential Construction Council of Ontario (RESCON), breaks down the cost of doing business when it comes to building new homes in the province, and the math is hard to swallow.

    Under Construction

    "The Only Way Forward": Regulatory Hurdles Must Be Removed On New Housing

    RESCON CEO Richard Lyall argues that a combination of factors have contributed to create a dysfunctional housing market that's made it increasingly difficult to build new homes people can afford.

    Under Construction

    Municipalities Going Off 'Green' Script Is The Last Thing The Housing Crisis Needs

    Residential builders already have to overcome numerous obstacles just to get shovels in the ground, and municipalities that push the envelope with their own green building standards will only make it even more difficult to meet housing targets.

    Under Construction

    Just When We Need To Be Leaders In New Home Building, Canada Continues To Fall Behind

    Richard Lyall, president of the Residential Construction Council of Ontario (RESCON), highlights the lowlights of Canada's ongoing home building crisis.

    Under Construction

    Canada Needs 160K New Construction Workers – Are High School Students The Answer?

    Canada’s residential construction industry is facing an acute shortage of skilled trades in the next decade, but Ontario has a plan – The Focused Apprenticeship Skills Training program, which will allow Grade 11 and 12 students to participate in apprenticeship learning through co-operative education credits while completing high school.


    Lack Of Affordable Housing Is Undermining The Social Fabric Of Society

    The social value cost attributed to housing unaffordability in the GTA is about 1.75 times greater than that of cancer in the GTA, according to a new study. Moreover, the social value cost related to housing unaffordability aligns closely with the costs associated with diabetes and represents 76% of the social value cost of heart disease, further emphasizing its impact.